Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A Dead Tree Turned Into Art, What...???

Utilizing a machine saw and a few practical carving tools, this man has amazingly created real art. He turns a dead tree into hilarious wooden art. See the photos below and watch the video to find out the processes.

Giovanni Gambino Says Mafia Can Fight Islamic State Group

Breaking and Controversy... “The rise of global terrorism gives the Mafia a chance to show its good side,” Gambino said in a 2012 interview with NBC, which was redistributed in a press release on Thursday.

The son of infamous mob figure John Gambino says La Cosa Nostra is ready to fight ISIS in New York City — and that the Mafia can do a better job of protecting the city from terror attacks than the NYPD.

Giovanni Gambino said during an interview with NBC (below) that “the rise of global terrorism gives the Mafia a chance to show its good side.”

“We make sure our friends and families are protected from extremists and terrorists, especially … the Islamic State,” Gambino said.

DNA Test Clears Man of 3 Sexual Assault Charges After Serving 16 Years in Prison

A Los Angeles judge overturned Luis Lorenzo Vargas' 1999 assault conviction Monday after DNA evidence linked to a suspect known as the "teardrop rapist." The case had relied on eyewitnesses.

Luis Vargas, now 46, was sentenced to 55 years in prison in 1999 for kidnapping three women and raping one of them.

A man who was imprisoned for 16 years for two attempted sexual assaults and a rape he did not commit was exonerated Monday, based on new DNA evidence linking the crimes to Los Angeles' notorious "Teardrop Rapist" -- who sports a similar-shaped tattoo as the innocent man.

Luis Vargas, now 46, was sentenced to 55 years in prison in 1999 for kidnapping three women and raping one of them. The father of three reportedly broke down in the LA courtroom yesterday when Superior Court Judge William Ryan issued the exoneration.

One of Vargas's lawyers, Alex Simpson, who is the Associate Director of the California Innocence Project — the group that requested the DNA tests — told VICE News that despite the exoneration, Vargas is still not a free man.

Even though Vargas is a lawful permanent resident, the conviction meant his green card status has been placed on hold, and he was transferred immediately from state prison and placed into the custody of immigration officials, Simpson said.

"We're hoping that a reversal of the conviction will help fix this," Simpson said.

Vargas was convicted based on eyewitness testimony from three Hispanic women who said they were approached by an attacker at a bus stop in the early morning hours. The rapist asked the women for directions before forcing them into an alley. Two of the women escaped unharmed, but one of them — who was 15-years-old at the time — was raped.

The witnesses recalled the rapist sporting a teardrop tattoo under his left eye, similar to a faded tattoo Vargas has in the same area on his face. At the time of his arrest, Vargas also had a prior forcible rape conviction and the two factors led police to believe Vargas was the perpetrator, Simpson said.

Vargas maintained his innocence throughout the trial. At his sentence hearing, he told the court he was "concerned [the] individual [who] really did these crimes might really be raping someone out there, might really be killing someone out there."

The Teardrop Rapist, who has been suspected of carrying out more than 30 rapes in the area since 1996, is still at large.

"I’m Frightened After Paris Attacks", A New York City Muslim Complained

When in the subway, stand away from the platform edge, preferably with your back against a wall. Walk in groups after dark. Stay alert at all times.

In the days since the Paris terrorist attacks, Muslims in New York and elsewhere have guarded against a violent backlash, changing their routines and trying to manage their fear.

Still, the violence has come.

In the past week and a half, several Muslims in New York, mostly women wearing head scarves, have reported being victims of verbal abuse and physical assault. Even some non-Muslims — including at least one Latino mistaken for a Muslim — have been subjected to Islamophobic taunts or worse, community leaders said.

In an episode the Council on American-Islamic Relations reported this week, two Muslim women in the Bedford-Stuyvesant section of Brooklyn said that a man claiming to be a postal worker assaulted them, elbowing one and spitting in her face, and telling them he was going to burn down their “temple.” The police arrested a man on Tuesday in connection with the episode and charged him with aggravated harassment and menacing as a hate crime.

“We’ve never seen so much backlash against the Muslim community” since the Sept. 11 attacks, said Sadyia Khalique, director of operations for the New York office of the Council on American-Islamic Relations. “I’m frightened.”

You're 'Stab in the Back': Vladimir Putin to Turkey's Downing of Fighter Jet

"Today’s tragic event will have significant consequences, including for Russia-Turkish relations," Putin said. Russia has said the jet was shot down over Syria and not over Turkey's airspace.

Two big powers supporting different factions in the Syrian civil war clashed with each other on Tuesday when Turkish fighter jets shot down a Russian warplane that Turkey said had strayed into its airspace.
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The tensions immediately took on Cold War overtones when Russia rejected Turkey’s claim and Ankara responded by asking for an emergency NATO meeting, eliciting more Russian anger and ridicule. After the meeting, the NATO secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg, called for “calm and de-escalation” and said the allies “stand in solidarity with Turkey.”

It was thought to be the first time a NATO country has shot down a Russian plane in half a century. And while few expect a military escalation, with neither Russia nor NATO wanting to go to war, the incident highlighted the dangers of Russian and NATO combat aircraft operating in the same theater and has soured chances for a diplomatic breakthrough over Syria.
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Related Coverage
As President François Hollande of France met with President Obama in Washington to urge a closer and more aggressive alliance with Russia against the Islamic State, Turkey’s decision to fire on a Russian warplane attacking targets in Syria has raised tensions between Moscow and NATO and undercut efforts to persuade Russia to drop its support for President Bashar al-Assad of Syria.

Candidate Says Maybe Black Lives Matter Activist Should Have Been Roughed Up, Trump Says

"It was absolutely disgusting what he was doing," Trump told Fox News Sunday. Mercutio Southall told CNN that attendees at a Trump campaign rally attacked him after he yelled, "Black lives matter."

Further, In a recently released excerpt from his October interview with GQ, Republican presidential front-runner Donald Trump revealed that he does believe in Heaven and is working hard to get there.

“I’ve done a fabulous job and made the lives of many, many people much better,” Trump told GQ‘s Chris Heath.

“Do you believe in Heaven?” Heath asked in response.

“Yes,” answered the real-estate mogul. “I hope [I’ll be going]. That’s what I strive for.”

Donald Trump Said, "Muslims DID Celebrate on 9/11 in New Jersey since We Saw It"

Donald Trump is telling the truth about Muslims celebrating in New Jersey on September 11, 2001.

I drove with family members though Patterson, N.J. that morning, after the planes hit. It’s not the kind of thing you forget.

We witnessed people in traditional Muslim garb dancing, jumping, shouting and celebrating like their team had won the Super Bowl, just as Trump said.

“I watched when the World Trade Center came tumbling down,” Trump said Saturday. “And I watched in Jersey City, N.J., where thousands and thousands of people were cheering as that building was coming down. Thousands of people were cheering.”

Trump has refused to back off of those comments. He told ABC’s George Stephanopoulos Sunday, “it did happen. I saw it.”

Media outlets and politicians have been quick to call the Republican presidential front-runner a liar but the fact is it happened just like he said.

I didn’t see thousands of Muslims celebrating but I absolutely saw a pocket, perhaps 100, jumping for joy at the sight of the smoke rising from where the Twin Towers used to be.

The funny part of the media-made controversy is that until Trump recalled his experience on that day, these events were a commonly accepted fact by Jerseyans.

Others in N.J. have spoken about witnessing these events.

Suddenly we are all being called liars in order for Trump-haters to cast aspersions on him.

Well, I defy anyone in the media to call me a liar to my face.

Was the Washington Post lying in an article on September 18, 2001 when it wrote the following?

PLAKKKKK.... Siswi SMA Menampar Gurunya Sendiri

Jangan pernah meniru kelakuan anak sekolah yang satu ini. Hari Guru seharusnya menjadi sebuh momen penting bagi seorang siswa untuk mengagungkan nama guru. Akan tetapi salah seorang siswi SMA yang ada di daerah Dallas, Amerika Serikat, dengan sangat tega menampar gurunya di depan kelas.

Di sisa-sisa merayakan Hari Guru Nasional sebuah rekaman video seorang pelajar perempuan menampar gurunya heboh di internet. Tak tanggung-tanggung, murid juga menantang guru perempuannya  itu berduel. Insiden memalukan tersebut, ternyata secara tak sengaja direkam oleh salah seorang siswa lainnya, dan langsung disebar di media sosial tepat di Hari Guru yang diperingati google Doodle dengan tajuk ‘National Teacher’s Day’.

Kronologi kejadiannya ketika siswi yang tidak diketahui namanya itu diminta mempresentasikan tugasnya. Akan tetapi rupanya sang guru tidak puas dengan hasil presentasi muridnya, guru tersebut lantas mengkritiknya.

Diduga tidak terima dikritik, murid itu langsung menampar guru perempuannya. Parahnya lagi, ia langsung memukul dan menampar wajah sang guru malang tersebut. Akibat mendapatkan perlakuan tersebut, secara replek guru tersebut langsung menangkis dan melawan balik muridnya yang jahat tersebut, sehingga perkelahian pun tak terelakan lagi. Setelah beberapa saat ada beberapa guru yang datang dan melerai keduanya, akan tetapi karena diserang lebih dulu. Guru tersebut meminta tanggung jawab siswinya dengan melaporkannya pada pihak kepolisian.

Pesan khusus buat kamu para siswa agar selalu mematuhi orang tua dan guru-guru kamu jika tidak ingin menyesal dikemudian hari.

Foto 3 Artis Ini Mengguncang Netizen

Baru-baru ini tersebar foto kontroversial yang membuat sosmed memanas.

Satu lagi foto sosil media kalangan selebritas jadi perbincangan heboh netizen. Seperti yang di-posting pada akun Instagram Ayu Ting Ting.

Trio artis cantik Ayu Ting Ting, Julia Perez (Jupe), dan Zaskia Gotik itu memang dikenal merupakan sahabat karib.

Ketiganya tak hanya kerap manggung bersama. Namun dalam hal cinta, tampaknya mereka juga punya kesamaan, yakni sama-sama kapok dengan tipu daya lelaki.

Seperti diketahui Ayu Ting Ting menjanda setelah bercerai dengan suaminya Enji. Sementara, Jupe ditinggal kekasihnya Gaston Castano. Hal sama juga diderita Zaskia, membatalkan pernikahannya dengan Vicky Prasetyo karena merasa ditipu.

Kesamaan nasib inilah yang membuat ketiga artis itu kerap menggugah foto kebersamaannya kemudian diunggah di media sosial, khususnya Instagram.

Baru-baru ini, Ayu mengunggah foto mereka kompak mengenakan busana ala-ala Korea dipadu dengan celana jins robek yang dipopulerkan Ayu.

“Keep calm (yg lain pake sepatu, kite doang pake sendal jepit, baru engeuh),” tulis Ayu.

Pelajaran Berharga Buat Para Wanita Yang Kurang Bersyukur - WAJIB BACA

Bagi kaum perempuan, memiliki postur tubuh besar atau gemuk merupakan salah satu hal yang paling tidak mereka sukai, apalagi jika terlalu gemuk. Jika kamu seorang permepuan yang sedang mengeluh masalah yang sama, kejadian mengejutkan ini akan menjadi pelajaran berharga buat kamu.

Ini peringatan buat para kamu hawa yang terobsesi memiliki tubuh yang langsing. Beragam cara diet dilakukan para wanita untuk langsing, bahkan tidak menutup kemungkinan metode yang mereka gunakan sangat salah.

Terkadang diet disalah artikan sebagai makan sedikit, Bahkan, lebih ekstrim ada yang tidak makan sama sekali, itu salah. Banyak orang terjerumus kepada hal yang sebenarnya dapat dihindari dalam menurunkan berat badan.

Jadi, sebelum anda melakukan diet, lebih baik konsultasi terlebih dahulu dokter untuk mengetahui pola atau metode diet yang benar dan sehat agar tidak seperti wanita ini.

Valeria Levitin, wanita asal Monaco ini sangat terobsesi memiliki tubuh langsing agar bisa menjadi model. Wanita yang pernah mengikuti kontes kecantikan ini sekarang menyesali semua keputusannya untuk diet. Karena mungkin metode diet yang dia gunakan salah.

Tapi, semua sudah terlambat, sekarang berat badannya hanya tinggal 25 kg. Perhatikan fotonya sebelum dan setelah diet yang kebablasan. Valeria mengalami anoreksia parah. Kini tubuhnya tak bisa lagi menerima gula dan karbohidrat yang masuk.

Setelah mengalami anoreksia, tubuh Valeria kini terlihat sangat mengenaskan. Dia tampak lebih tua dari umur sebenarnya, kulitnya kering dan berwarna gelap. Sangat jauh berbeda dari sebelum dia melakukan diet hingga mengalami anoreksia.

Tapi dia memiliki keinginan yang mulia. Valeria tak ingin wanita lain mengalami hal yang terjadi pada dirinya. "Saya tidak akan mengajarkan bagaimana untuk mati. Ini bukan permainan, bukan lelucon, itu adalah hidup Anda. Saya ingin berbagi cerita agar tidak mengulangi nasib saya. Anoreksia telah membuat saya kesepian, tidak menarik dan menjijikkan bagi orang-orang di sekitar saya," ujar Valeria.

Valeria juga memberi peringatan kepada orang lain tentang bahayanya diet ekstrim. Memang memiliki tubuh langsing jadi dambaan banyak wanita. Tapi kalau berlebihan, tinggal sesal yang melanda.

Gemuk langsing sama saja, toh selera laki-laki juga tidak sama. Ada yang suka cewek seksi dan yang lain lebih suka cewek berbadan bongsor, sehat itu yang terpenting. Di postingan selanjutnya kita akan membahas tentang haram-halalnya menggunakan asuransi jiwa.

Saturday, November 21, 2015

A Great Lesson For Life

This kid teaches us how to live, how to thank and how to behave. She might want to tell everyone "life is happy". Watch the video below and feel free to share if you want...

Friday, November 20, 2015

Unique Desk Designs You Have Never Seen in Your Life

It's fair to have a contemporary style of a desk, or you prefer rustic one is not a problem at all. But the word "UNIQUE" represents lots of meaning. It gives you unusual look and feel through distinctive characters. If you start feeling bored with your old desk, at home or in office, these new fresh inspirations will answer you questions dealing with desk modeling. You may download the pictures if you want.

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 Please share with your friends <3 >p

Colorful Bedroom Designs: Anything Your Kids Want

I think all kids extremely dislike plain look. So to overcome this phenomena, we are as parents should well reflect and act. These bedrooms are designed as colorfully as possible to give entertaining atmosphere inside. One of them must be suitable for your lovely kid. Whether boys or girls, all can be adjusted easily.

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What ya think... huh? Are they cool? Yeah they are, really.. So if you think it's worth sharing, please help me do that.. :)

Perfect Beachfront Villa witrh Geomatric Architectural Design

When your house or villa is designed normally like others, do not complain for not gaining imressing states in your daily basis. Truth is, if you seriously want something distinctive or "WOW" statement, you should take out-of-the-box steps and actions. The home design that we'll show you is extremely worth staring. Here you go...

2015 Controversial Monkey Actions LOL

This monkey acts just like a human, watch his cool behavior

The first video shows he is taking a shower.

In the second one , the smart monkey is having a treatment in his favorite salon.

Don't Use This Stuff Anymore If You Don't Want To Risk A Cancer

Sometimes the things that you think safe can be harmful; instead, some dangerous stuff could be safer for you. This happens to a few appliances that we use daily.

Take a look at a few of the items you thought harmless and see the health problems they can provoke. Then make the right decision and rid your home of many cancer-causers and ensure a healthy environment for you and your family.

1. Air Fresheners

It contains carcinogens, toxins and volatile organic compounds. The NRDC study shows that the chemicals contained can aggravate asthma and even can make significant impacts on reproductive development.

2. Candles

A shocking result from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission says that almost forty percent of candles contain lead wicks. What matters is, causing some heath problems for children in most cases; such as learning disabilities, behavioral issues, hormone disruption and any other which possible drives to cancer.

3. Art Supplies

The chemicals contained in particular art supplies such as rubber cement glues and Epoxy, permanent markers, solvents and acrylic paints are certainly not good for health since they can cause a cancer.

4. Shampoos

Really? Yes... Despite there is not yet a scientific research proves this, but it's still in observation. Shampoos contain toxic substances, which you already know, it's the one of the main causes of a cancer.

5. Antiperspirants

While antiperspirants and deodorants are made for human to keep our bodies dried. It works by absorbing excessive sweat. On the other hand, the factories use un-body-friendly substances that possibly link to a virulent cancer.

6. Shower Curtains

What? It might be funny because there are toxic chemicals in a plastic shower curtain. If the skin frequently contacts with this kind of curtains, it will give the skin serious allergies before finally attracting certain skin cancers.

Would you share? :)

11 Unusual House Concepts from Around The World

So what we have today is something special for people who love architectural designs. These unique house styles are just what you're looking for. If you have a plan, one of these creative home designs can be yours. Here we go...

1. Ball House

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This entirely ball-shaped home was built in Japan. The owner is a presenter presenter who really loves football. It's built in 2006 by Kimidori Housing with thirty-two sided geodesic floats, spent almost $16,000 with materials that resists earthquake.

2. Underground House

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The owner Bohumi Lhota built the unique house in mid 2012. He adopted a natural concept to gain better athmospehere inside. Interestingly, that unusual house height can be adjusted. Located in Velke Hamry, Crech Republic.

3. Car House

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Incredible right? This creative home was consciously designed in car style. Manfred Voglreiter constucted the dwelling in 2004. That extraordinary model has caught a lot of people's attention to see and take pictures, located in the Austrian Salzburg province.

4. Ceramic Palace

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This rustic concept was chosen to build the home. Estavo Silva da Conceicao, as the owner, calls his house "Casa de Pedra", which means "house of stone".

5. Crocodile House

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The first time seeing this home, you might be a bit scared of its look. But trust me, you will feel extremely comfortable inside - built in 2008 and owned by Thierry Atta.

6. Real Green House

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Look at the pic, all of the exterior part is surrounded by green plants. It's built on the top of a 19-story apartment in China.

7. On-rock House

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This tiny cottage was established in 2013. Located in the Drina river, western Bajina Basta.

8. Plane House

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This new house was built in this year in a village in Lebanon. It's based on Airbus-A380 concept.

9. Walking Plastic Home

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Most of the materials are plastic, Liu Lingchao takes his house anywhere he goes. The 38-year-old man lives from one place to another in China.

10. Spider House
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It very resembles spider nest, but this unique building is made of glass mostly, it's located in France.

11. Toilet Home

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This one is probably the silliest concept, since it's inspired by a toilet shape.

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Thursday, November 19, 2015

The 22 DIfferent Home Styles You Have To Know

There are lots of home styles from all around the world, actually. If we should include the traditional ones, it might take me so long to list. But now we have collected the 22 popular home design styles that applied in any countries.

1) Art Deco Architectural Style

2)  Cape Code Architectural Style

3) Colonial Architectural Style

 4) Contemporary Architectural Style

5) Cottage Architectural Style

7) Craftsman Architectural Style

 8) Dutch Colonial Architectural Style

9) Farmhouse Architectural Style

10) Federal Colonial Architectural Style

11) French Provincial Architectural Style

12) Georgian Colonial Architectural Style

13) Italianate Architectural Style

14) Log Home Architectural Style

15) Mediterranean Architectural Style

16) Mid-Century Modern Architectural Style

 17) Neoclassical Architectural Style

18) Pueblo Revival Architectural Style

19) Spanish Architectural Style

20)  Townhouse Architectural Style

21) Tudor Architectural Style

22)  Victorian Architectural Style

So those are the 22 different types of house designs. Please share if you think this is cool.. :)